Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thing 18-Goodreads-Karyn's text in "comments"


1 comment:

  1. (I am sorry but I had issues adding this text below my widget so here it is.)
    I added a widget! I am so proud!!!!! I have known about GoodReads for about a year but since I am in grad school (again) I did not want to get distracted as I know I will. I simply adore Pinterest and have tried to not go on too much unless it is school related because these wonderful sites take up valuable study time and I am trying manage my time effectively. However, since it is a required "Thing", I joined. I am secretly happy about this requirement. I already have quite a few Goodreads friends due to Facebook and plan to add more by invitation. I have only added what I want to read so far but plan to go back and add books that I have read and rate them. I know without a doubt that this site is fabulous and will become very important to me.

    PS I am so excited to buy my own book scanner to add books onto my shelves.
